I’ve decided to learn Haskell as from what I’ve read, it seems like an interesting language quite different from anything I’ve used before. I’d also very much like to be able to hack on XMonad, the tiling window manager I use.
‘Learn you a Haskell for great good’ is a fantastic book written in a light hearted manner with very good explanations and drawings to keep your attention. It’s available to read free on the website.
Haskell is referentially transparent and as such you can’t change variables (they’re actually called definitions or names as they don’t vary)after assigning a value; for example you can’t say x = 5 and then saying that x = 6. This means side effects don’t exist (when calling a function twice with the same parameters it might return something different in an imperative language – not in Haskell! Variable reassignment isn’t permitted).
Haskell also has the cool property of being lazy meaning it will only evaluate expressions when it absolutely must, this allows us to play with infinite sets, this is the result of referential transparency.
Haskell is statically typed meaning that Haskell knows what things are numbers, strings, lists and so on. This allows it check for a lot of possible errors at compile time. Whilst this might lead you to think that you have to tell Haskell what type everything is in your program, this is not the case. Haskell has a type inference system that knows that when you perform the assignment a = 5 + 4, that a is also a number, and so on.
OR: |
Functions that take 2 arguments can be called as infix operator like so:
ghci> div 92 10
ghci> 92 `div` 10
The order in which operators evaluated from first to last is:
If operators are on the same level of precedence, for example the expression:
ghci> 7 * 8 / 4
operators are evaluated from right to left
Functions are defined in a very clean way in Haskell, like so:
doubleMe x = x + x
doubleMe is the function name, all the strings or characters after the name to the equals sign are parameters, parentheses are not used to bind parameters to functions like in C or Python. The expression after the equals sign is evaluated when the function is called and returned.
ghci> doubleMe 7
Also remember that definitions are also functions so ‘x = 8’ is a function that returns 8 when called and so on.
Given that Haskell isn’t imperative all ‘if’s must be accompanied by an ‘else’, if the predicate evaluates to false then the function won’t know what to return otherwise.
amIawesome x = if x == "Keith Devlin"
then "Yes"
else "No, You're not Keith Devlin"
ghci> amIawesome "Keith Devlin"
Lists are homogeneous. Concatenation walks through the first list before appending the other list, this is computationally intensive on big lists. Prepend lists to avoid this issue.
list = ["this","is","a","list"]
ghci> list
-- General list operations
-- Concatenation/Appending
ghci> [1,2,3] ++ [4,5]
-- Prepending
ghci> 1 : [2,3]
-- Accesing list elements (index starts at 0)
ghci> [12,13,14,15,16] !! 3
-- Head, Tail, Init and Last
ghci> head "hello"
ghci> tail "hello"
ghci> init "hello"
ghci> last "hello"
-- List comparisons (refer to notes above for explanation)
ghci> [3,2,1] > [2,1,0]
ghci> [3,2,0] > [3,1,100]
ghci> [3,4,2] == [3,4,2]
ghci> [4,4,4,2] == [4,4,4,4]
ghci> [3,2,1] < [2,3,100, 10]
-- Length
ghci> length [5,4,3]
-- null (is the list empty)
ghci> null []
ghci> null [1]
-- Reverse
ghci> [1,2,3]
-- Take
ghci> take 3 [4,5,6,7]
ghci> drop 3 [4,5,6]
ghci> drop 10 [4,5,6]
ghci> maximum [1,3,50,2,7,92]
ghci> minimum [1,4,0,7]
ghci> sum [5,4,3,2,1]
ghci> product [6,2,3]
ghci> elem 4 [3,4,5]
ghci> elem 2 [3,4,5]
ghci> 2 `elem` [2,3,4]
Texas ranges allow you to produce a list from an arithmetic sequence in any step size up to any number or it can even be infinite.
ghci> [1..20]
This shows a simple Texas range, the default step size of 1, if you wanted to create an arithmetic list with a negative common difference then you must specify the step size as Haskell defaults to one. So [20..1] would evaluate to an empty list as 20 is greater than one.
ghci> [20,19..1]
-- Or you could always just reverse a list:
ghci> reverse [1..20]
As the above example shows, step size is implicitly defined by writing the second term of the sequence.
Any type of element that is enumerable can be used with Texas ranges. Letters for example are enumerable:
ghci> ['a'..'z']
If you want to produce a list up to a certain number of members you can use ‘take’ on an infinite list:
ghci> take 12 [6,12..]
‘cycle’ and ‘repeat’ produce infinite lists which can be used with ‘take’ to produce finite lists.
ghci> take 9 (cycle [1,2,3])
ghci> take 10 (repeat 10)
List comprehensions are very similar to set comprehensions for mathematics (note: very cool). They allow you to generate lists of elements based on predicates. The example below will show a typical list comprehension:
example xs ubound = [ x*2 | x <- xs, (x < ubound) ]
ghci> example [1..10] 5
example refers to the name of the function and the 2 variables afterward are the parameters: ‘xs’ ‘ubound’. ‘x’ is drawn from the list ‘xs’, then the predicate ‘x < ubound’ filters out the elements of the list greater than ‘ubound’, finally the stripped list is then passed to ‘x*2’ where a new list is generated from the previous list x being mapped to x*2.
A better example:
square xs = [x\*\*2 | x <- xs]
ghci> square [1,2,3,4]
Tuples are a little bit like lists in that they store sets of data, however they differ in fundamental ways. Tuples store heterogeneous data and they cannot be extended in size. If you define a tuple to contain a Char and a Bool then it can only contains those 2 types in the correct order. Tuples are defined using the following notation:
ghci> let tuple = ("Hi", True)
ghci> tuple
("Hi", True)
(“Hi”, True)” isn’t the same type of tuple as (True, “Hi”), order is important.
Because tuples composed of 2 types of data are dealt with so frequently there are 2 important functions to memorise: fst and snd, they’re fairly obvious:
ghci> fst ("one", 2)
ghci> snd ("one", 2)
A list of tuples can be produced using the zip command that takes 2 lists as parameters and creates pairs based on those lists:
ghci> zip [1..] ["one", "two", "three", "four"]
Tuples, as any other primitive can be used in list comprehension, they’re useful for calculating things:
ghci> let triangle = [ (a,b,c) | c <- [1..10], a <- [1..10], b <- [1..10], a+b+c==24, a^2+b^2==c^2 ]
ghci> triangle
This is a simple function that calculates the sides of a triangle such that:
The predicates are evaluated in the order they’re written in (DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY’RE IN THAT ORDER TO AVOID (a OR b) > c)