How about synthesizing images that maxmially activate a neuron using gradient ascent.
Let $I = \{0..255\}^{W \times H \times 3}$
\[ \bf{x}_0 = \underset{\bf{x} \in I}{\operatorname{argmax}} \Phi^l_n\left(\bf{x}; \theta\right) \]
Recall that $\nabla_{\bf{x}}\Phi^l_n(\bf{x}; \theta)$ is made up of partial derivatives $\frac{\partial \Phi^l_n(\bf{x}; \theta)}{\partial x_{i,j}}$
We know a lot about images, we can utilise this knowledge to guide the optimisation process
The synthetic images has high frequency noise, we can discourage that by penialising it:
Transformations preserving semantic contents: